Block Dmg Resistance For Honor

Feb 21, 2017 For Honor has a wide variety of armor that has a multitude of various stats. This article offers For Honor stats explained so you know exactly what armor and weaponry to focus on when you get new drops after matches. Depending on your character and play style, different stats will have more or less importance to you.

  1. Block Dmg Resistance For Honor System
  2. Block Dmg Resistance For Honor 2017

Chaos refers to a type of magic wielded by warlocks and demon hunters. Chaos is a unique multi-school, combining all the seven schools of magic: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Shadow and even Physical. Multi-school abilities benefit from bonuses that affect any of their schools, use the lowest resistance value among their schools, ignore absorption and immunity effects that apply to only some of their schools, and can be used even when one or more of their schools have been locked with an interrupt effect.

Chaos' comprehensive nature guarantees that damage done will not be mitigated by any armor, resistances or school-specific effects the target might possess. However mitigation and immunity abilities that are not school-specific (such as [Ice Block] and [Divine Shield]) as well as damage-absorption shields provide by abilities like [Mastery: Blood Shield], [Mastery: Illuminated Healing] and [Power Word: Shield] will still absorb, mitigate or completely prevent damage from this school. Due to its comprehensive nature, it is impossible for players to be locked out of the Chaos school unless a Chaos spell itself is interrupted, in which case spells of all schools will be locked out.

  • 1Chaos spells
Block Dmg Resistance For Honor

Chaos spells

Demon hunter

  • [Annihilation]
  • [Chaos Strike]
  • [Disrupt]
  • [Fel Lance] (honor talent)
  • [Fel Rush]
  • [Fury of the Illidari] (artifact ability)
  • [Mana Break] (honor talent)
  • [Mana Rift] (honor talent)

[Eye Beam], [Chaos Nova], [Fel Eruption] (talent), and [Fel Barrage] (talent) are not Chaos damage, but rather Chromatic damage (which is the combination of all schools but Physical and Holy).


  • [Demonbolt] (talent)
  • [Dimensional Rift] (artifact ability)
  • [Chaos Bolt]


Block dmg resistance for honor review
  • In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Chaos was an attack type that did full damage to all armor types.

Patch changes

  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added, with the introduction of [Chaos Wave] and [Touch of Chaos].

Block Dmg Resistance For Honor System


Block Dmg Resistance For Honor 2017

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