Weap On Dmg On Gathering Ffxiv

  1. Weapon Dmg On Gathering Ffxiv Guide
  2. Weapon Dmg On Gathering Ffxiv 2
  3. Ffxiv Gathering Guide
(Launched 17th Dec 2014)
(Updated 4 Feb 2015)

FFXIV Crafting & Gathering Gear Overmelding Guide by Caimie Tsukino
Despite my crafting & gathering guide both having chapters on overmelding end-game gear, it appears to me that a lot of people are still having trouble with planning their overmelds, including my own FC members. I have received a number of help requests both in the forum and in the game, and I am very happy to answer any question. But I think it might be more time-efficient to set up an overmeld guide here grouping both crafting & gathering gear, so that people can all DIY (do it yourself) just by reading this. Some of the information here may overlap with the 2 existing guides (my crafting guide & my gathering guide). But on top of that, I will also add in more examples of my own gear here to help people understand how to do this in the most economical way.
What is 'Overmeld (or Forbidden Meld)'?
Overmeld is to meld more materia onto a gear than the number of materia slots that the gear has.
Each Successive Overmeld Has Reduced Success Rate

Overmelding of gear is a notorious process that will burn all your hard-earned money within minutes. But it is a process that is necessary if you intend to proceed to end-game contents of crafting & gathering.
General Rules of Overmelds
Rule #1 - Most expensive always goes first:
You cannot be lazy with this. Do not just follow what people do. Prices of materia fluctuate a lot. You need to check all the ones that you plan to use, and start melding from the most expensive.
Rule #2 - Higher tier usually goes first:
Materia of higher tier usually goes first because you don’t want to end up melding higher tier material in some late melds, which have a slightly lower success rate than lower tier on the same position. However, Rule #1 > Rule #2. If the lower tier is more expensive, meld the lower tier first.
Rule #3 - Avoid using/overusing Tier IV when you can use Tier III or/and Tier II:
It is silly to use Competence IV or Command IV when you can get away with 2 lower tier materia of the same type. A Command IV is nearly 20x the price of a Command III + Command I on my server. It’s a lot cheaper to overmeld with the latter method. Spending 20x more may be affordable if you’re only doing this once, but you will soon see that you need to do this many times. You’d be spending 20 million instead of just 1 million. But again, this estimation is based on my server’s materia prices. You should check your market board.
Overmelding of Crafting Gear
Overmelding of crafting gear is quite a pain in that you really want max the melding caps for most items. You either do it properly or not do it at all. Sometimes a little bit more craftsmanship/ control/ CP would actually change your crafting rotations quite a bit, so they do matter to the final outcome.
Back in the old days, you really want to max out every single AF gear with melds. Nowadays, you could get away with some items if you foresee yourself replacing the item(s) with Artisan’s gear / offhands or Ehcatl Smithing Gloves soon.
Furthermore, keep in mind that “Cross Class Skills > Overmelds”. If you have not acquired all your level 50 Cross Class Skills yet (with the exception of CUL & LTW 50, Reclaim is not needed until much later, and Waste Not II is useless), I’d recommend you focus more on leveling all your crafting classes instead of pushing on overmelds.
Melding Caps for End-Game Crafting Gear
Examples of How to Max the Caps of Crafting Gear
Culinarian’s Apron:
You must use at least 1x Competence IV here to max this gear. 2x Competence IV is a bit overkill though. Because Competence II & III are almost same price anyway, so that 1 extra craftsmanship coming from the 2nd Competence IV doesn’t save you money at the end. You could use 1x Command IV here together with 1x Command I to max the 5 control. But I prefer to use 1x Command III + 1x Command II. It just seems cheaper to me that way.
[Check your market board to make sure the melds are in the sequence from most expensive to least! Prices of materia fluctuates a lot!]
Culinarian’s Hat:
You don’t have to max every hat you have since it’ll soon be replaced by the Artisan’s Spectacles. You may need to max 1 class though to assist you in acquiring the specs.
Culinarian’s Mitts / Ehcatl Smithing Gloves:
If you’ve been doing your daily Ixali beast quests, you will soon get your Ehcatl Smithing Gloves, which means you don’t need to meld all 8 pairs of gloves.
Culinarian’s Trousers:
Culinarian’s Gaiters:
Dodore Belt (don’t meld the old Raptorskin Merchant’s Purse):
This is one of the exceptions that I would actually agree on using a Command IV on the first meld. If I don't use a Command IV + Command I to max the 5 control here, but use a Command III + II instead, then there'll be a 3rd overmeld using either Competence II, Command II or Cunning III, and that could potentially be very expensive due 3rd overmeld's low success rate of around 11%. In contrast, by using a Command IV here, I can get away with using Command I on the 3rd overmeld as shown above.
Rose Gold Choker (don’t meld the old Electrum Choker),
Mosshorn Earrings (don’t meld the old Red Coral Earrings),
& Militia Wristlets
The choker, earrings and wristlets have exactly the same melding caps. I actually now regret using Command IV here for my wristlets. I think the way of how I did the choker & Earrings here was a lot more economical. Command IV was just not necessary.
Aetheryte Ring:
DO NOT follow what I did up there! Once again, the use of Command IV here was a total waste. If I could do this again, I would have used:
Command III (+3 control)
Competence II (+4 craftsmanship)
Cunning II (+2 CP)
Command I (+1 control)
Cunning I (+1 CP)
(modify sequence according to your market board price)
Command III (+3 control)
Cunning III (+3 CP)
Competence II (+4 craftsmanship)
Command I (+1 control)
(modify sequence according to your market board price)
Militia Offhands:
Since this offhand will eventually be replaced by the Artisan’s Offhand, there’s no point to go crazy here with Tier IV material. Just use Tier III would be sufficient. If you foresee yourself acquiring the Artisan Tool + Artisan Offhand soon, then just randomly do some Tier III according to price. If you don’t see yourself acquiring the Artisan Offhand soon, but you see yourself getting Supra Tool earlier than the Artisan Offhand, then go for an 11 craftsmanship build on the Militia Offhand so that you reach 415 craftsmanship to help with 3 star crafting.
Artisan Offhands:
Pretty much standardized that you will need at least 1x Command materia & 3x Competence materia. You don't have to use as many Tier IV as I did. You can do:
Command IV
Competence III/IV
Competence III/IV
Competence III
(leave open or Cunning III)
Command IV
Command III/IV
Competence III/IV
Competence III
Competence III
Artisan’s Mitts / Culottes / Artisan’s Sandals:
Get the Culottes & Sandals first, and acquire the Mitts LAST. The shared Ehcatl Smithing Gloves will give you that extra control you need for a long time for all your classes.
Artisan's Apron:
In Patch 2.5, they added the new Artisan's Apron. Now this is a very interesting piece of equipment. You cannot max out all the stats cap with overmelds. The apron has a melding cap of:
18 craftsmanship
6 control
3 CP
However, you cannot max them all with the 5 available melds. So you have to sacrifice either 2 control, 6 craftsmanship or 3 CP.
Please see this thread for details:

Overmelding of Gathering Gear
Unlike crafting gear, you DO NOT need to max all the caps of most gathering gear. Furthermore, the use of the new Dodore accessories & Rose Gold Choker of Gathering is purely a luxury. As you can see from the melding cap table below, these BiS (Best in Slot) accessories adds only +1 gathering each, not giving much impact to you overall ability to gather 2 star mats. Some of them do add a lot more GP, but even with the old accessories you can still reach 600 GP, and that’s very sufficient for most things. The old Raptorskin Ring is probably around 20K to 30K gil, while a Dodore Ring can be as expensive as 150K to 200K gil. Even with the old accessories, you can still gather 3 star mats as long as you possess the Supra Tool or Artisan Offhand, or just by eating gathering food. Whether you want the BiS items is purely your choice.
The key thing in overmelding your original AF gathering gear, is keep in mind that you want to achieve >377 gathering, >332 perception, and >585 GP (preferably 600 GP).
This is because:
- You need 353 gathering & 332 perception to harvest HQ Umbral Rock / HQ Fragrant Log (1 star) to acquire Forager’s Tool / Hat.
- You need 408 gathering & 389 perception to harvest HQ 2 star items.
- Forager’s Tool gives extra 31 gathering & 18 perception. And Forager’s Hat gives 18 more perception than an unmelded AF hat, or 7 more perception than a fully-melded AF hat.
- 377 gathering + 31 gathering = 408 gathering, allowing you to immediately access 2 star nodes when you acquire your Forager’s Tool.
- When you have around 410 gathering, all you need is 10 more gathering, and you can already access 3 star nodes. You can just eat a food to do this, or acquire Supra Tool or Forager's Offhand later.
- You don’t need the newest shared Forager’s Vest, Wristguards, Slops, Shoes or Offhand to access 3 star mats. They do help, but they’re not necessary to reach 420 gathering if you use food.
Assuming that your gathering stats is high enough (so that you can gathering 1 star mats at 95% success rate unbuffed), 585 - 600 GP allows you to use the Solid Reason/ Ageless Words Rotation on 1 star mats, giving you a much higher chance of getting HQ mats (visit Ch6 of my gathering guide if you don’t know what this means).
More than 600 GP is not beneficial unless you have up to 626 GP, which when you eat an NQ Dzemael Gratin, it adds another 24 GP, giving you 650 GP. 650 GP allows the use of the Solid Reason/ Ageless Words Rotation plus the use of a Sharp Vision / Field Mastery for 1 star items. Thus, guaranteeing all hits to land at 100%, and guaranteeing at least 1 HQ attempt per gathering run, because you will always be able to use Deep Vigor/ Brunt Force each time. 650 GP has no impact to the gathering of 2 star & 3 star mats, as you will need to use Sharp Vision II or III / Field Mastery II or III on top of your Unearthed II / Leaf Turn II, meaning you won’t have enough GP to use Solid Reason/ Ageless Words anyway.
Finding a 'Builder of the Realm' to help you meld
You don't have to be a crafter to meld your gear. Getting an all-50 crafter ('Builder of the Realm') to meld for you would be the most convenient thing to do. They can just switch classes and meld all your gear. So you don't have to look for more people for different gear.
Overmeld of gathering gear is a pretty long process due to many failures that will occur. So you should tell the crafter in advance that this will be a long process of overmeld, and tip her/him for his time. Generally, overmelds should be done next to a market board, as everyone will underestimate the amount of materia (& cash) needed to complete the process. You may find yourself constantly walking back to the board to buy more materia during the overmeld process.
Remember to carry the appropriate 'Carbonized Matter' for the melding process. Make sure you don't confuse it with 'Dark Matter' which is for repairing gear. Higher grade of carbonized matter can be used to meld same grade of materia or lower grade of materia. So the easiest thing to do is to buy/gather a stack of 99 Grade 3 Carbonized Matter (don't need that many grade 4s, because no one has too many Tier IV materia to use anyway).
For PC players, just right-click on a crafter, and select 'Request Meld'. For PS3/4 player, select the crafter and then press 'SQUARE' on your controller to find the 'Request Meld' option.
Always PLAN AHEAD before the melds. Try to calculate how many more materia of what tier are needed to achieve your desired stats. Then plan a way to meld all those materia according to price, starting from the most expensive. The WORST thing to do, is to randomly meld anything, just hoping to push stats slightly higher. That will lead you into a situation where you melded/overmelded 2 or 3 cheap materia of Tier I or II, and then you suddenly realize you need to add a different kind of materia, but the materia is Tier III. e.g. if you try to boost gathering & perception first by melding ALL gear with gathering and perception materia first. Then when you try to take care of the GP part, you may find you actually need to meld 2x Grasp III somewhere after the Guerdon I (gathering) or Guile II (perception) were settled. Then, you're just burning money by failing all those Grasp III's on a late overmeld.
Melding Caps for Miner/Botanist End-Game Gear
Examples of How to Max the Caps/ Near-Max the Caps of Gathering Gear
Miner’s Shirt / Botanist’s Doublet:
There’s no need to max out all 11 gathering on the chest piece. The Miner’s Shirt on left is overdone. The Botanist’s Doublet on the right is a bit underdone. I believe the best way is to use 2x Guerdon III to add 10 gathering.
Hamlet Digger’s Helmet / Hamlet Cutter’s Hat:
Since it’ll be very easily replaced by the Forager’s Hat, I recommend only melding 4 gathering. You don't even need that +5 perc I have up there.
Miner’s Gloves / Botanist’s Gloves:
The 8 gathering on gloves should be maxed out using Tier III and/or Tier II Guerdon materia. The 4 perception should be maxed too.
Miner’s Slops / Botanist’s Slops:
The Miner’s Slops on left is overdone. There’s no point in using an expensive Grasp IV here. One could use a Grasp III like the Botanist’s Slops on the right, or one could use 2x Grasp II to max out all 4 GP. There’s also no point in maxing all 6 gather here. We could use Guerdon III just as the two pants here were done, leaving 1 gather out.
Miner’s Workboots / Botanist’s Workboots:
Once again, the Miner’s Workboots on left is overdone, wasting 2 expensive Tier IV materia. The Botanist’s Workboots on right is already very sufficient. You could add 1 more GP with Grasp I if necessary. The potential +1 gather on both of these boots can be ignored.
Raptorskin Survival Belt:
If you’re going to meld the old Raptorskin belt (which is totally fine!), do:
Guerdon I (+3 gather)
Guile I (+3 perc, but can only +2 here on this belt)
Grasp II (+2 GP)
Grasp II (+2 GP) [or Grasp I + Grasp I]
(depends if you need this many GP)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least!]
Raptorskin Choker (same way as the Electrum Earrings below):
Grasp III (+3 GP)
Grasp III (+3 GP)
Guerdon I (+3 gather)
Guile I (+3 perc)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least!]
Electrum Earrings:
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least!]
Raptorskin Ring:
Guerdon I (+3 gather)
Guile I (+3 perc)
Grasp II (+2 GP)
Grasp I (+1 GP)
Grasp I (+1 GP)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least!]
Guerdon I (+3 gather)
Guile I (+3 perc)
Grasp II (+2 GP)
Grasp II (+2 GP)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least!]
Militia Bracelets:
God damn ffxivguild.com said the cap of these bracelets to be 10 GP. So I planned to add 2 more GP with this melding plan above. Only until I was ready for the last meld, when I found out that no more GP could be added. Never believe in ffxivguild.com! They really suck! All their guides are wrong with certain critical information. The best way to max the 8 GP cap here is to use 2x Grasp III + 1x Grasp II. I could have saved over 800K if I hadn’t used 2x Grasp IV here. I used a Guerdon II before the Guile III here because Guerdon II was more expensive than Guile III, and Guile III was cheaper than Guile II.
I was notified that the Militia Bracelets can actually add up to 10 GP. I investigated the issue, and found that indeed, now I am able to add 2 more GP to my bracelets. I do not know why I couldn't do this before. I apologize for the error. Thus, the melding method I have here in the above picture is actually valid. Although, spending that much money on a Tier IV Grasp Materia just to gain that extra 2 GP on the 5th meld from the bracelets is probably not worth the gil.

Dodore Survival Belt:
I used a Guerdon III here instead of a Guerdon II because Guerdon III was cheaper.
Dodore Choker:
[Check price on MB! Start with most expensive!]
Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering:
Use exactly the same way as the Militia Bracelets or Dodore Choker.
Grasp III (+3 GP)
Grasp III (+3 GP)
Guerdon II (+4 gather)
Guile II (+4 perc)
Grasp II (+2 GP)
(depends if you need this many GP)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least! Use Tier III if you see them cheaper than Tier II!]
Grasp IV (+4 GP)
Grasp III (+3 GP)
Guerdon II (+4 gather)
Guile II (+4 perc)
Grasp I (+1 GP)
(depends if you need this many GP)
[Check price on MB, and start with most expensive to least! Use Tier III if you see them cheaper than Tier II!]
Dodore Ring:
I put Guile I on the last meld here because Guile I happened to be cheaper than Grasp I that day. As I always say, check MB before you do this. Price fluctuates a lot!
Militia Sledgehammer / Militia Scythe:
Guerdon III (+5 gather)
Guerdon III (+5 gather)
Guile III (+5 perc)
(leave slot open)
(leave slot open)
There’s no point to go crazy on the Militia Offhands as they will eventually be replaced by the Forager’s Offhands. Avoid using Tier IV materia.
Forager’s Sledgehammer / Scythe:
Meld as many Tier IV as you can here! Go crazy on this! Add at least 11 gather & at least 5 perc! Don’t waste this awesome offhand!
Forager’s Vest, Wristguards, Slops, Shoes:
These are the most luxurious BiS (Best in Slot) gear for a gatherer. If you acquired these, please max the caps so you don’t waste them.

FFXIV Spiritbonding Advanced Guide by harle

This is not intended as a newbie guide (better exist), but as a collection of observations & methods that I didn’t know where else to shove. Some of it’s rehash for completionist purposes.


I’ve been sitting on this data for a while now, and it’s been thoroughly checked & rechecked; I’ve SB’d well over 30k items to date.

Below is a list of Bard & Archer Weapons in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. The information listed includes the level you can equip the Bard & Archer Weapons, the item level of the item and the attributes that the item has. Bard & Archer Weapons are used by Bards and Archers.

Sometimes you get results which support the NQ vs HQ = 20%, 1 materia = NQ vs HQ bonus, such as: http://imgur.com/a/pkXDL#0

Others, you don’t: http://imgur.com/a/jfMy0#0

These inconsistencies are what prompted me to start recording my results in the first place, as well as being able to calculate profit margins, but I still can’t explain why they exist.
Margin of error for my chart is +2, because some things, despite identical conditions, just SB 0.5 – 1% faster. Minimum values were listed.

“Wait up”, you say, “This is crafting data. This doesn’t apply to me because I kill mobs!”

Sort of, but:
The fuel column on the left is the level of the craft used to well, fuel, the process. This is analogous to mob level. The higher the fuel level gets, the less fuel you need. For crafting, as you increase the fuel level, the durability deterioration rate of your accessories (least of all equippable parts) outscales the SB rate causing you to repair before 100% SB is reached. This durability loss isn’t noticeable for battle SB, so maxing out mlvl isn’t an issue. But this is partly why my data is restricted to i40-42 fuel for testing. Crafting is useful for this purpose because it lets us, in a controlled manner, measure the relationship between ilvl, materia, and hq.


  • FC buff seems multiplicative; +3 SB pot larger overall gain
  • Meteor rings nigh-worthless, now-with-supporting-data-edition (they become 1.5-2% more efficient on a full setup, but as they need to be repaired, any sort of gain is nullified and you lose 2 fodder slots).
  • Materia usage – depends on your server prices. Materia chokes your margins by upping the base costs, but with crafting the shard costs outweigh the materia so you’ll almost always want to fill every hole. For battle, I usually just meld the i47+ parts to keep them inline with the i45-46. After the SB change, it’s so much faster that it just amounts to 1-2 extra pulls vs a 30-50% increase over your base costs, which just isn’t worthwhile to me.
  • Materia/hq bonus isn’t static across all samples

Meteor Rings

I think most of us knew they sucked, but here’s why (battle is even worse because %gain is cheaper)

where c = crafts, s = sets (using 7s/3h as a low approximation), g = gil (comparing shard prices), x = shards, f = fodder slots being SB’d, _h = given unit of time to SB 7s

Additionally, because they take up your ring slots, they remove two of the cheaper material-cost slots and increase the rate at which you burn through wool/raptor/felt slots.


At the bottom of the chart is an experiment I ran. I can’t recall when, but the patch they changed quicksynth so that it was based more closely on your equipped gear – it made it so you succeeded more when appropriately geared, and failed more when undergeared. This supposedly eliminated some methods of craft SB, where you’d craft whatever junk wearing a full set of gathering/battle gear to convert, or the emperor’s best (to save on repairs). Apparently it’s mostly based on the mainhand equipped. I eq’d separate sets of battle/gathering gear and only suffered ~30 fails per 200 crafts with a white lvl 48 alembic equipped to mainhand. Using a lvl 5 alembic drastically increased the failrate to ~99% or so but, the speed remained constant.

That is: craft SB is independent of success rate. Fail it all, succeed it all, whatever mix in between, it sbs at the same rate.

This means that, pending cost viability, it’s still possible to SB non-crafting gear with quicksynth.

Quicksynth Craft SB

Heavily dependent on shard prices; I don’t think it’s a viable method on megaservers with 100g+ shards. On Sargatanas, they fluctuate between 40g and 75g. It’s essentially fishing for IVs. The base costs are covered by the Tier IIIs (and then some), and any IVs are profit. In post-patch bubbles, it’s ridiculously easy/lazy SB you can do passively while tabbed to something else.

You’ll burn through ~1.3k-1.4k fuel crafts in a 3h (potion) window. You can either synth crap with the intention of failing/npcing/leveing it (lanolin, junk gems, apple juice, peiste leather, etc) or synth useful materials (wool, raptor, electrum, cobalt) to either keep or sell on the AH. Again, the shard cost is covered by the materia generated: that is you aren’t selling at a loss even when you’re selling under the combined mat+shard price for the final product. It’s great when you can sell above it, but throughput is priority for this method.

By SBing all your precursor crafts, you can write off the material costs for future crafts.

  • eg. Woolen Deerstalkers. Fleece currently priced at 245g. The totality of the mats is 12 fleece, 39 light, 5 wind shards. Assuming 50g shards, that’s 5140g for a hat.

By SBing the woolen yarn and then the undyed, the functional cost of a hat becomes 0g + 5 wind shards + 5 lightning shards, or 500g.

Efficient Battle SB

Tie in: craft SB (and mob) is independent of XP gained. I don’t know why people keep perpetuating that. For crafting it’s easy to test. NQ synth vs full HQ synth vs quicksynth vs failsynth give the same, standardized SB credit regardless of XP earned.

For mobs it’s a bit harder, and I think a lot of the confusion lies in scaling XP with higher mlvl and faster SB rate with higher mlvl (acting as fuel). The easiest way is to run +%xp buffs and see absolutely no difference. Partyingcan make for faster xp gained via more mobs linking, but it’s utterly not worth the party-based SB penalty unless you’re a tank with literally no other job leveled, as the increase in chain xp has no relevance to SB rates. It’s easy to observe the SB penalty in party, simply party someone and watch your % disappear. They don’t even have to be in the same map. Chocobos don’t seem to be as harsh a penalty, ~1.5% less every 9% compared to the 40-50% via partying other players.1

Some might argue that SB parties are worthwhile because more people killing stuff = more passive SB, despite the party penalty, however the king limiting factor is still mob respawn rate, which is static. As long as you’re able to clear all the mobs in a given pattern, not falling behind respawn rate, you’ll be far more efficient than partying as far as SB is concerned. The chain XP might be more beneficial for chocobo leveling, but it isn’t worth the SB tradeoff to me. The only time you’d want to party is when you’re at a heavily contested spawn, just because something is better than nothing (Urth’s).

Urth’s is popular because it has the level 50 water sprites. However, that’s a rather limited take on it, as the fastest SB is a combination of sheer quantity, mlvl, zone traffic, and path efficiency. Some of the best SB spots are in the middle of quest hubs, and so you end up with mob competition. Some have annoying fates spawning in them. Some have insane mob quantity, but multiple mobs that hardstun. So it’s a matter of finding the combo that works best for you. Urth’s is great if you’re lazy and don’t mind getting molasses-tier SB in a party. If you want something faster, start exploring the other high level zones.


  • East Shroud (23,15) – the rooms to the north & south. Fastest chocobo xp, but traffic from atma & animus people, and some fresh 50s. Doable solo, but kinda <effort>.
  • Coerthas Central Highlands (7,31) aka Plasmoid cave (L48)
    popular solo spot, gl monopolizing it
  • Mor Dhona (18,17) Rathefrost, & North Shroud (23,24) – Solo spots with plasmoids (L45) but no appreciable mob drops. Main perks are the remote location & non-aggro mobs; not that great otherwise.
  • Coerthas Central Highlands (34,21) mid-Natalan, grouping the ~10 mobs around the campfire, and then running to this wolf room. Gets a fair amount of traffic & there’s a bit of downtime waiting for respawns. A backup when everything else is taken.
  • Western La Noscea (12,16) – The Serpent’s Tongue – absolutely sick xp/sb between the jellyfish & the pirates, but risky pulls because of untimely stuns & fate spawn. Duo/Trio spot.
  • Garlean camps – High mob levels but not conducive to aoe pulls. Okay for farming on solo dps classes, and drop various crafting mats.
  • Ixal & Zaharak – finicky in terms of mob resets & figuring out pulls/pathing. Fast SB, low-end choco xp. Quantity > Quality areas.


To work around party penalty, we know that mob credit is assigned based on two things: tagging the mob, and passing the 35-40% damage threshold on that mob. Whoever tags the mob will get full credit for it (and all the drops) even if they do nothing else. Passing the damage threshold will give full credit (but not drops).

We focus target each other and assign roles. One guy pulls (ideally sch) and is responsible for mainhealing, the other/s are artillery. 1 WHM with i110 weap is enough to keep hitting respawn rate, damage wise, but your mp regen is severely limited if you’re also immediately going back into combat. Between adlo, lustrate, autoheals from fae, spammable off-gcd skills and nigh unlimited mp, sch just makes the best puller. Whms can sit on their ass until mp’s up, and then start holying. It only takes about 3 to get full credit, 2 if crit.

Solo: whm, Duo: sch/whm, Trio: sch/whm/whm, ideally for aoe comps. BLM & dps classes aren’t ideal for this method because while they have great burst, we’re after controlled, sustained damage so that everyone gets credit, plussurvivability + heals for the oshit moments that arise with full fodder crafting sets.

When choosing a spot, consider:

  • mob drops? Plasmoids drop nothing.
    Fleece farming is slower T3 SB but fast T1/2, and has consistent mob drops.
  • Choco xp focus, or SB focus?
  • Safety of pulls / laziness – depends on your comfort level. Do you want to afk in spawn? Are you a fan of high risk/reward?

Tailor gear towards mlvl, comfort level. Eshroud is fast, but solo I need to wear a HA chest for the extra vit/dmg when I’m SBing full craft gear. With a battle set, this would be unnecessary.

Weapon Dmg On Gathering Ffxiv Guide


  • Blizzard II causes bind, which causes chocos to stop attacking affected targets. Primarily in Eshroud, mobs like Giant Banestools need extra choco attention, so it’s helpful if the sch tags them first and aoes off to the side a bit.
  • Use your visual inventory boxthingie. Green = equippable item, white = 100% bonded item, red = full stack, blue = incomplete stack. It’s an easy way to see if you need to convert items.
  • i45-49 is ideal for IVs, militia/i55 adds no appreciable IV gain rate, takes longer (overworld/craft sb), and costs more

Craft vs Gather vs Battle

Shit, it’s all profitable. Battle is a longterm payout strat (highest highs, lowest lows), and makes for easier aoeing because you don’t have 2.2k hp, but as long as savage IVs remain > 400k, it’ll be worthwhile. I prefer a mix of the former, especially during post-patch crafting bubble, but it’s all good. #1 thing to making this work is keeping your operating costs low, which invariably means you’re gonna hafta craft it yourself. Amber accessories give the best results, allowing access to battledance on top of the usual reds.

How do I became xxsephiro7#5wagl0rd

SB everything. EVERYTHING.

Weapon Dmg On Gathering Ffxiv 2

The key to making money is by streamlining & reducing costs at every point possible.

Check the markets frequently. Often Tier II materia is selling above IIIs and converts at a much faster pace.

Ffxiv Gathering Guide

Core materials for i45-9 set = raptor sinew + leather, undyed linen, undyed wool, wool yarn, red coral, mythril ingots, cobalt ingots, electrum ingots, undyed felt, boar leather. Of those, a good deal are crafted (sylph npc the linen). Throw on fodder and bulk craft it. By not SBing all the shitty crafts you do, you’re essentially wasting opportunity/money. Going gathering? SB. The better your mh/oh are, the more crappy gear you can wear. Don’t feel like paying some dude 350g/fleece and wanna slaughter some babby sheep? Throw on crappy accessories & genuflect SB.

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