D&d Eladrin Dmg Picture

  1. D&d Eladrin 5e
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  6. Dnd Eladrin Elf
  7. 5e Dmg Eladrin
An Eladrin, drawn in the Tony DiTerlizzi goodness of Planescape.

Fairy-like Angels or super-magical elves who live in either Arborea or the Feywild, depending on the edition.

The eladrin and their magical nature, an increase to an eladrin character’s Intelligence is appropriate. There’s no need to alter the basic weapon training shared by high elves and wood elves. An ability that sets the eladrin apart from other elves is their ability to step through the boundary between the. These feats are meant to complement those released in the Racial Feats article by Wizards of the Coast. Each of the feats are tied to races released in offical Wizards of the Coast releases of some kind; the Unearthed Arcana series of articles, the Dungeon Master's Guide, or other sources (not including Volo's Guide to Monsters). All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

  • 1In Planescape and 3e
  • 4In Pathfinder

In Planescape and 3e[edit]

They are, essentially, ElfAngels: a race of Chaotic Good celestials with a fey motif. They are the natives of Arborea: a wild and free people who celebrate life and the arts. They believe in freedom and one's own right to determine what to do with this. They oppose the fiends in their attempts to subdue the peoples of the Material Worlds, aiding in non-violent ways and inspiring great things in the people. They seldom stay in one place for long, traveling both on their own plane and to other worlds to experience their bounty. This doesn't mean that they are weak or cowardly: an Eladrin roused to anger is a fearsome sight to behold and will rip a berk in half before they know it. Alongside their powers they are all able to take on a secondary form, frequently as some kind of ball of light that grants them additional abilities.

They exist in several types, between whom there is no promotion as with other Outsiders such as Archons and Baatezu: they appear in one form and stick with it. There are seven known types of Eladrin, four Lesser and three Greater, here noted from the weakest to the most powerful.

These Eladrin debuted in the Blood War Card Game, and then made it into Planescape with the 2nd Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. The most fleshed out look at the race came in the splatbook Warriors of Heaven, the AD&D planar book that actually wasn't released under the Planescape logo, which even presented all of the different races as potential PC options. In 3.x, they appeared in the Monster Manuals, Savage Species, and in the Book of Exalted Deeds, which was when the Court of Stars became a polyamorous triad of two female eladrin archangels and one male one.

Arguably, the prototype for the eladrin as a basic concept were the Vanith-Vadiren from White Dwarf #43's Fiend Factory.


Resembling 2' sprites with gossamer wings, the Coure are messengers and scouts who love to play pranks on people and cause mischief. If they are angered however these jokes can turn lethal, with the creatures being capable of deadly hit-and-run attacks when discorporating into a 6' ball of light to build a safe distance to attack from.


Living on the second layer of Arborea, the Noviere are aquatic beings who navigate the waters of the layer with great ease. They like to explore the Planes and the Material Worlds to find new coasts. Their skins and hair are tints of green, blue or gold. They lack the webbing or gills that you would expect from an aquatic elf and they can move with great ease on land. They can be rather fickle and flighty but mean well, and are rather approachable despite being difficult to talk to. They can turn into a form of shimmering golden water in the shape of a dolphin, in which form they are tougher and can drown opponents in their bodies.

D&d Eladrin 5e


The Bralani live on the third layer of Arborea, Mithardir. They are survivors living in the deserts of the plane, making their lives harsh but more worthy to be celebrated. Bralani suffer from powerful mood swings and can be dangerous to approach, but if met in a peaceful mood they are welcoming hosts. They can turn themselves in living whirlwinds to tear at their opponents with powerful gusts of wind and blasts of either sand or snow, depending on their surroundings.


The knights of the Eladrin, they fight with strength, honor and skill. They are tall and lanky beings that might not appear powerful, but they are as strong as any mortal warrior. Shiere sometimes gather in groups to explore the plane and clear it of intruders. They can change into spheres of light, but they can do so only once per hour, so they use this ability sparingly.


The Firres (pronounce: feers) are devoted to the ways of beauty, art, music and magic. They have red hair and eyes that burn with their inner flames. Their music is of unmatched beauty, making them desirable guests amongst the courts of the Faerie Lords. Firres are prone to wanderlust and frequently visit the Material World and the other planes, often finding good pay in the city of Sigil. They can turn into great balls of fire, burning all that the Firre can strike.


These Eladrin are the most concerned with fighting the threat of the Fiends. They travel to mortal worlds and seek those whom they can guide to performing great deeds of heroism. They do not reveal themselves, even after the victory of good over evil, instead finding a new place to defend the Material Worlds. They can turn into many-colored spheres, searing the enemy with great beams of brilliant light.


The Faerie Lords are powerful beings who move their courts amongst the surface of the first layer of Arborea. They are beings of inhuman grace and beauty, of great magical and martial power and have great respect amongst the other Eladrin. They are also rather haughty and are easily offended but if their guests behave they are gracious hosts. Tulani can conjure great weapons out of thin air and can copy any secondary form that the other Eladrin have at double power. They are incredible dangerous beings who tolerate no evil, and answer to nobody aside from the Morwen, the Queen of Stars and the gods living on Arborea.

The inhabitants of the Planes of Planescape
Upper Planes:Aasimon - Angels - Animal Lords - Archons - Asuras - Eladrin - Guardinals - Lillend
Middle Planes:Formians - Githzerai - Inevitables - Marut - Modrons - Rilmani - Slaadi
Lower Planes:Alu-Fiends - Baatezu - Bladelings - Cambions - Demodands - Erinyes - Hags
Hordlings - Imps - Kytons - Marilith - Obyrith - Succubi - Tanar'ri - Yugoloth
TransitivePlanes:Astral Dreadnought - Githyanki
Inner Planes:Azers - Elementals - Genies - Grues - Mephit - Salamanders - Sylphs
Sigil:Dabus - Cranium Rats
High-ups:Archangels - Archdevils - Archfey - Archomentals - Demon Princes

In 4e[edit]

In 4e, they absorbed all of the old 'elf as a super-magical being with mastery over arcane arts' lore and stuff, since it was always kind of weird that elves got portrayed as being both wizard masters and druidic-styled nature-hugging hippy freaks, since wizards and druids often don't get on. Not that the split was entirely unprecedented, 4e was just the first edition to fully split the two instead of making each race simply 'lean more towards' one side of the equation. They had Intelligence bonus, the more 'magical' elf abilities like trancing and charm resistance, and an encounter teleport power named Fey Step. They're no good at anything physical, so if you want a mage/druid/etc. they're pretty sweet. On the other hand, they're a kind of Elf.

Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma OR +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: You gain Training in one Skill of your choice.
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the Longsword.
Eladrin Will: You have +1 to your Will defense and +5 to saving throws against Charm effects.
Fey Origin: For purposes of effects that relate to creature origin, you are a Fey creature.
Trance: Rather than sleeping for 6 hours to take an extended rest, you spend 4 hours in a trance-like state, in which you remain aware of your surroundings.
Racial Power: Fey Step: Encounter, Teleportation, allows you to teleport 5 squares as a Move action.

Dragon Magazine #384 introduced a subrace of Eladrin in the form of the Winterkin. These eladrin, as their name suggests, descend from servitors of the Prince of Frost and other members of the faerie faction known as the Winter Court. Marked by paler coloration, including a pronounced tendency to albinism, Winterkin are distinguished from normal eladrin by taking the feat Winterkin Heritage; this grants them cold resistance and a new racial power in the form of Winter's Shroud, a reactive teleport to being attacked that grants them concealment afterwards. Feats further flesh out the Winterkin's unique powers; Chilling Presence lets them use Winter's Shroud to inflict cold damage instead of teleporting, Ice Walk lets them ignore ice & snow-based difficult terrain, Swirling Snow lets you create a small zone of obscurement when you use Winter's Shroud, Winter's Reach expands the teleporting distance of Winter's Shroud, and Winter's Heart means that enemies who hit you in melee are slowed for a turn.

The same issue also presented a new racial Paragon Path, the Bralani Wintersoul, which represents an eladrin - Winterkin or normal - who has served the Winter Court loyally enough to be granted magical powers over ice, snow and freezing winds.

Because Eladrin as-is don't quite represent the different 'High Elf' tribes of the Forgotten Realms, steps were taken to amend that. The Neverwinter Campaign Setting and the article 'Heroes of the Moonshaes' in Dragon Magazine #405 both presented new rules for swapping existing Eladrin racial traits with substitute traits; whilst the obvious expectation was to take all of these substitute traits for a 'proper' version of the appropriate elf, the DM/player had the freedom to pick and mix these traits, which could be used to custom build unique eladrin for one's own homebrewed campaign setting... at least, they could have been if they'd been a little more imaginative about what those bonuses were. The NCS featured the Sun/Gold Elf and the Moon/Silver Elf, whilst Dragon #405 features the Llewyrr Elf of the Moonshae Islands.

Moon Elf Variant Traits
Change Skill Bonuses to +2 Insight and +2 Streetwise.
Replace Eladrin Weapon Proficiency with Elf Weapon Proficiency (Longbow & Shortbow).
Sun Elf Variant Traits
Change Skill Bonuses to +2 Bluff and +2 Insight.
Replace Eladrin Weapon Proficiency with Wizard Implement Proficiency (Orb, Staff & Wand)
Replace Eladrin Weapon Proficiency with Elf Weapon Proficiency (Longbow & Shortbow).
Llewyrr Elf Variant Traits
Change +2 Arcana bonus for a +2 Insight bonus.
Replace Eladrin Weapon Proficiency with Elf Weapon Proficiency (Longbow & Shortbow).
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Races
Player's Handbook 1:Dragonborn - Dwarf - Eladrin - Elf
Half-Elf - Halfling - Human - Tiefling
Player's Handbook 2:Deva - Gnome - Goliath - Half-Orc - Shifter
Player's Handbook 3:Githzerai - Minotaur - Shardmind - Wilden
Monster Manual 1:Bugbear - Doppelganger - Githyanki
Goblin - Hobgoblin - Kobold - Orc
Monster Manual 2:Bullywug - Duergar - Kenku
Dragon Magazine:Gnoll - Shadar-kai
Heroes of Shadow:Revenant - Shade - Vryloka
Heroes of the FeywildHamadryad - Pixie - Satyr
Eberron's Player's Guide:Changeling - Kalashtar - Warforged
The Manual of the Planes:Bladeling
Dark Sun Campaign Setting:Mul - Thri-kreen
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide:Drow - Genasi

In 5e[edit]

They appear in the 5e DMG as a fourth elven subrace. Pretty effectively translated, actually; +1 Int, Elven Weapon Proficiency, even got Fey Step (Misty Step spell-like ability usable once per short rest) back. If this seems a little underwhelming, being literally just 'High Elf, but with Misty Step once per short rest instead of 1 Wizard cantrip of your choice', that's because 4e Eladrin were basically just High Elves honestly focused on arcane magic.

An alternate take on them appeared in the Unearthed Arcana for September 2017; this version can choose between either a +1 Intelligence bonus or a +1 Charisma bonus, marking the first ever return of 4e's flexible ability modifiers. Assimilating a little of their original fey-angel lore, Eladrin are now presented as magically attuned to the four seasons, which resonates with their various personalities. Mechanically, this means that not only do they retain their Fey Step as a 'teleport 30 feet to a spot you can see once per short rest' trait, but now, whenever they complete a short rest, they choose which season to align themselves to and gain a cantrip based on that season: Friends for Autumn, Chill Touch for Winter, Minor Illusion for Spring and Fire Bolt for Summer.

This actually isn't as unprecedented as you might think; back in 4e, the Eladrin had a subrace called the Winterkin, representing eladrin who were still bound to the Faerie Prince of Frost and so had a natural, mystical connection to frost and snow. This new UA version just expands upon that.

Unfortunately, because they were a massive labor of love on the part of the designers, and they had to share an update with the entire gith race, whom the designers admitted in the accompanying video (which literally contains more footage of Mike Mearls gushing about how much he loves the eladrin and wishes to play them than on both gith subraces combined) that they didn't care about and are only doing because people keep bugging them about it, they are also more-or-less responsible for the uninspired, low-effort rendition of those, and get a bit of heat for it.

Ultimately, Eladrin came out officially in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, where they had built from the basis of their Unearthed Arcana debut as an elf subrace - for the core traits, see the Elf page:

Ability Score Increase: +1 Charisma
Fey Step: Once per short rest, you can teleport to an unoccupied square within 30 feet as a bonus action.
Seasonal Affinity: Choose the Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter affinity. You can change which season you are aligned with after completing a long rest. From 3rd level onwards, your current seasonal affinity bestows a bonus upon your Fey Step ability. Save DCS are 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Autumn: Immediately after you use Fey Step, select up to 2 visible creatures within 10 feet of you; those creatures must pass a Wisdom save or be Charmed by you for 1 minute or until you or an ally attack them.
Winter: Choose one visible creature within 5 feet before you teleport; that creature must succeed on a Wisdom save or be Frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Spring: You can use your Fey Step to teleport a willing creature within 5 feet by touching it, instead of teleporting yourself.
Summer: Immediately after you use Fey Step, each visible creature within 5 feet of you that you select takes Fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Races
Player's Handbook:Dragonborn - Drow - Dwarf - Elf - Gnome
Half-Elf - Half-Orc - Halfling - Human - Tiefling
Dungeon Master's Guide:Aasimar - Eladrin
Elemental Evil Player's Guide:Aarakocra - Genasi - Goliath - Svirfneblin
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide:Duergar - Ghostwise Halfling - Svirfneblin - Tiefling Variants
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes:Baatific Tieflings - Duergar - Eladrin - Githyanki
Githzerai - Sea Elf - Shadar-kai - Svirfneblin
Volo's Guide to Monsters:Aasimar - Bugbear - Firbolg - Goblin - Goliath - Hobgoblin - Kenku
Kobold - Lizardfolk - Orc - Tabaxi - Triton - Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica:Human - Elf - Centaur - Goblin - Loxodon - Minotaur - Simic Hybrid
Unearthed Arcana:Changeling - Minotaur - Revenant - Shadar-kai
Shifter - Tiefling Variants - Warforged
Plane Shift: Amonkhet:Aven - Khenra - Minotaur - Naga
Plane Shift: Innistrad:Human
Plane Shift: Ixalan:Human - Goblin - Merfolk - Orc - Siren - Vampire
Plane Shift: Kaladesh:Aetherborn - Dwarf - Elf - Human - Vedalken
Plane Shift: Zendikar:Elf - Goblin - Human - Kor - Merfolk - Vampire
One Grung Above:Grung

In Pathfinder[edit]

Eladrin return in Pathfinder with the same 'Angels of Chaotic Good' motivation and the basic tendency to look like fey beings. They're just called Azatas for legal purposes.


Azatas are a race of celestials native to the plane of Elysium, where the pursuit of freedom and goodness is paramount. Azatas are champions of these concepts, great bards, knights, and explorers who roam the planes in search of good folk in need of their help. Frequently described as the most elven or fey-like celestials, azatas nevertheless often have strange, inhuman shapes or can take elemental or eldritch forms. Most have some knightly or courtly title, such as duke, countess, or prince, apparently hereditary, perhaps from a celestial monarchy long abandoned and forgotten. Azatas do not exploit these titles to exert influence over each other, instead using them for personal identification or a bit of self-importance. They are deadly and resolute foes of evil, fearless and clever in battle.

It is not surprising that the three best-known kinds of azatas can all fly, for they rarely stay in one place for long and prefer the thrill of motion and discovery to creature comforts. Most azata “settlements” are little more than a collection of tents around a landmark, gathered over the course of a day to share news, stories, and perhaps good-natured duels, and then packed up again a few days later. Such temporary settlements are colorful and have a celebratory atmosphere, as azatas are quick to greet any of their kind as old friends. Although few can predict when and where an azata community might arise, some groups or breeds of azatas gather in cycles for traditional festivals and reunions. Such gatherings typically take place at a time of mystical consequence, such as on the evening of the lunar equinox, or during less predictable times, such as upon the wedding of two seers, and always in a place of pristine or stunning natural wonder. All azatas fundamentally know when and where the closest or next gathering of their people might occur, and while none are required or even expected to attend, all are welcome. These gatherings do not preclude more permanent azata holdings and communes, however, and the heights of Elysium endlessly ring with the songs of azata choirs.

While the stoic, homebound archons call their cousins flighty, azatas are driven by a crusading nature and feel bored when forced to stay in one place too long. This tendency also means they are unlikely to agree to serve mortals for an extended period of time, preferring to arrive, get the job done, and move on to some other quest or challenge. As much as they seek to spread the cause of freedom and joy, azatas realize that they cannot enforce such virtues throughout the multiverse. Without darkness there can be no light, and without struggle there can be no victory. Understanding this, these celestials remain removed from the majority of mortal conflicts, preferring to act as advisors in such situations rather than champions, granting goodly mortals ownership over their own triumphs. In cases where the forces of evil act overtly, however, and intrude upon mortal worlds, azatas are quick to rally to defend such realms and aid those who have no hope of defending themselves.

Azatas generally work together, but their powerful personalities and strong sense of individual freedom often see them disagreeing on how best to handle a particular situation. While both parties have the greater good at heart, these arguments can fester and grow into long-lasting grudges. In cases where a single azata is convinced his way is right, he might even enter a sort of self-imposed exile, abandoning the support of his kin so he can launch a one-azata crusade against the cruelties of the multiverse.

Most azatas originate from the untamable beauty of Elysium, created and nourished by the influx of goodly mortal souls. Like most other outsiders, they cannot reproduce with each other in the mortal fashion, and often tryst with mortals who prove charming and good spirited. Azatas dally frequently with their own kind, being quick to seek out feelings of love, joy, and companionship, but rarely feel bound or exclusive to merely one lover, regardless of its race.

Though many celestials consider independence to be an obvious facet of righteousness, no outsiders uphold the principles of freedom so fervently as azatas. Often associated with the good fey of the First World, many azatas take similarly whimsical forms, though their grace and wild beauty signify their virtue. To their more stolid kin, azatas can seem distractible and flighty, but one would be foolish to suggest that they are less zealous in the fight against evil.

The empyreal lords ascended from azatas are a motley band. Some take fanciful titles and influence great numbers of followers. Others wander alone, leaving trails of mighty deeds in their wake. Still others travel in the care of small groups of powerful attendants or maintain multiple courts on half a dozen planes and demiplanes.

Azatas are likewise fickle in their worship of the empyreal lords. Some faithfully follow a single lord through the ages, but others pledge their service for only short periods as needs dictate. Azatas look up to their favored empyreal lords but maintain their independent natures. They don’t lose themselves in service, for an azata’s spirit is too untamed for her to submit unquestioningly to another for long.

Azatas hail from the wildly beautiful plane of Elysium.


They make their homes in fantastic structures, from heavy silk tents embroidered with spun gemstones to lofty bamboo palaces. Most azatas maintain multiple homes and change locations frequently in accordance with their shifting alliances within azata society. These alliances— called courts—center on art, music, philosophy, and personal taste, and spring up almost as quickly as they dissolve. Though a few permanent courts exist in Elysium, their membership changes like the plane’s fickle winds.

The whimsical azatas prefer their native plane to the exclusion of all others. When azatas do leave their homes, though, they find inspiration in every place save the vile fiendish planes. The primeval and uncivilized First World is especially appealing to wandering azatas, and a small azata meeting ground stands near the center. Here, azatas occasionally convene to glean inspiration from the unique beauty of the First World and to usher new beauty from Elysium into this realm and vice versa. Originally a multi-level settlement of imperfect wooden rings encircling the forest’s trees, it has reformed again and again over the years, and every time one visits the place, it seems to take on a new configuration. None can say exactly how or why it shifts, but it has appeared as a town of living wood growing up from the forest floor, a network of dim grottoes filled with radiant flower beds, and most recently a single spire of agate rising as tall as the ancient trees.

When visiting the Material Plane, azatas are drawn to wild areas of primordial majesty, especially those unscathed by mortal influence. Large cities draw their attention to a lesser extent, since they are typically the home of much creativity and innovation and azatas delight in such mortal wonders. Azatas rarely reveal their true nature in their travels, but might instead appear as mysterious and beautiful patrons and ensconce themselves in artists’ homes for weeks at a time.

Azatas’ tempers flare when they see oppression and tyranny that infringe on individuals’ freedoms. When such oppression is allowed to flourish, azatas usually interfere with a subtle hand. In the guise of mortals, they educate and inspire others in order to create a foundation for lasting change. To azatas, stepping in directly whenever mortals stumble only prevents them from learning to stand back up.

This is not to say azatas never intervene—when the forces of evil make direct strikes against the helpless, azatas recognize that intercession might be the only solution, and their unexpected and zealous strikes against evildoers often create enough pandemonium to drive the villains away, if not vanquish these foes altogether. Such direct interference is rare, though. Azatas recognize that mortals show great fortitude and tenacity in defending their homes, and the celestials toil to ensure such self-preservation remains intact.


Silver-white hair the color of a lightning strike whips about this poised elf-like archer, his eyes swirling with vibrant colors.

Bralanis are among the fiercest and wildest of the azatas, living from moment to moment and always on the lookout for chances to test their skill in battle. In addition to their elf-like forms, they can take the shape of whirlwinds of dust, snow, or sand. In the mortal realm, they are often mistaken for djinn. They delight in violent weather, not for the destructive qualities of such events, but for the intensity and energy, and many tales describe bralani as spirits who laugh as they sail amid the strongest storms.

Bralanis do not need to eat, but they enjoy doing so. Most prefer elven food, fiery human dishes, and spiced wine. Because of their similarities to elementals and fey, they sometimes act as intermediaries between mortals, elementals, and fey, though they prefer to arrange temporary truces that allow the interested parties to conduct their own negotiations on neutral ground. When taking the role of mediators—or whenever else such opportunities present themselves—bralani are quick to suggest friendly competitions or games to end disputes and enjoy creating challenges or complicated contests to test both physical and mental mortal prowess.


This beautiful woman has flesh made of lava. She soars through the sky on a trail of fire.

Brijidines are passionate, powerful azatas attuned to the powers of earth and fire. They love basking in volcanoes, writing poetry, tending to sick creatures, and pursuing spicy recipes. The quickest way to befriend a brijidine is to present her with a fireproof copy of an exotic poem or a bag of rare peppers. Though their power is tied to primal destruction, they are quick-witted and love clever wordplay, whether in a sonnet or a dirty limerick.

The brijidine sees fire as a form of purity, a marked difference from its classical association with devastation and destruction. To a brijidine, the existence of hellfire is the rankest blasphemy, and while many azatas look to the demons of the Abyss as their greatest enemies, it is among the devils of Hell that most brijidines find focus for their anger. The fact that devils are immune to fire, the brijidine’s greatest strength, frustrates and angers these azatas all the more, forcing them to become far more imaginative and creative in their tactics when facing such foes. A brijidine stands 5-1/2 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds.


This incredibly handsome man’s pointed ears and otherworldly grace betray an inhuman beauty.

Male azatas of extraordinary and radiant beauty, gancanaghs are Elysium’s knights-errant, but they are best known as inveterate wooers of mortals and immortals alike. While gancanaghs are incorrigible flirts, a gancanagh’s true attention tends to alight on one man or woman at a time, and he throws himself into wooing and courting his current target, into a brief but earnest fling before his quicksilver passions change yet again.

Gancanaghs hate succubi and incubi more than anything else, as they feel that the mere existence of such creatures profanes the spirit of romance with the shadow of the demons‘ seduction and violence, leading good people who share the gancanagh’s flirtatious and open nature to be compared to evil creatures. One can give a gancanagh no greater offense than to mistake him for an incubus, and more than one hotheaded gancanagh has challenged a misinformed paladin or other ally of good to a duel over such an insult.

While many gancanaghs carry whimsical-looking pipes because they like the way they look, they can’t stand smoke, and so rarely make use of them.

A gancanagh’s flute, on the other hand, is a cherished possession, as they enjoy both the beauty of the music and its ability to sway the heart. A typical gancanagh stands 6 feet tall but weighs only 130 pounds.



This elegantly armored sentinel stands alert, her eyes radiating divine light and her noble blade crackling with power.

Ghaeles are the most knightly of the azatas, hunting fiends, dragons, and undead with equal vigor. Most appear like idealized humans or elves and are quick to smile—and equally quick to strike against those they perceive as wicked.


This creature has the body of a seductive, winged elven woman from the waist up and that of a snake from the waist down.

Among the azatas, lillends are the tale-tellers and chroniclers, gathering lore and recording stories in the form of epic poems and songs. They are generally peaceful, though they are swift to act if they believe a piece of rare art or a talented artist is threatened. A lillend’s lower section is about 20 feet long, and a typical lillend weighs 3,800 pounds.

Although they have no need of mortal nourishment, it is said that lillends sup on the joy of music, art, and performance. They also love unspoiled wilderness and seek out places in the mortal realm that remind them of the beauty of their home plane. From the lore of numerous races come tales of these muses, particularly those that have taken a vested interest in the training of a single talented prodigy or the ongoing creation of some fantastic work of art. Such legends sometimes prove true, as all lillends have their favorite works, creations, and artists, and often visit the Material Plane to enjoy their splendor and make sure they remain safe. In the defense of such beauty, lillends prove passionate foes, calling upon the might of nearby allies or crushing philistines in their striking but deadly coils.


This tiny woman has a lithe form with delicate butterfly wings. She is surrounded by sparkling lights and gentle rainbow arcs.

Lyrakien are divine musicians and messengers, mainly in the employ of deities of travel and natural wonders. They love to explore and visit beautiful places, especially locations with excellent views of rainbows, moonlight, and the stars. Whimsical and joyous, they love contests of song, dance, and knowledge, and keep journeys happy by distracting their companions from weary feet and stale food. Mortals who please them with excellent tales and new songs may be rewarded with elaborate maps, forgotten shortcuts, or rambling directions to hidden locations that hold lost magic.

Lyrakien are light-hearted creatures, but they are very protective of breathtaking natural locations. Often called “glistenwings” by gnomes and halflings, lyrakien are frequently mistaken for fey—while they are generally friendly with true fey, their origin is the plane of Elysium. Like other azatas, they grow restless if they stay in one place too long. A chaotic good 7th-level spellcaster can gain a lyrakien as a familiar if she has the Improved Familiar feat.


Translucent wings protrude from this statuesque figure’s back. Patches of pale scales glisten on its skin.

Prydanus are fierce champions of Elysium who use their talents to undo the work of oppressors by revealing their deception and releasing their victims from bondage. Among the prydanus’ most hated foes are the alghollthus. Prydanus are drawn to civilizations under the thrall of tyrants. Prydanus do not tolerate such deceptions, and they combat them without hesitation whenever they encounter them. However, this lack of restraint sometimes makes for shortsighted plans of action leading to other consequences along the way.

Prydanus pride themselves on being guardian figures, and they delight in helping distressed individuals, especially those attempting to escape from any form of subjugation. Given their natural tendency toward vanity, prydanus appreciate (and perhaps even expect) being showered with praise for their good deeds, and those who sufficiently stoke a prydanu’s ego may find a returning ally in that azata when future troubles arise.

Radiant and poised, a prydanu appears as an attractive humanoid with small patches of iridescent scales on its glistening skin. A graceful pair of translucent finlike wings extends from its back, not only allowing it to soar with ease but also granting it impressive agility underwater. Their striking silver eyes are framed with long, feathery lashes and match their metallic-colored nails and lips. A prydanu’s hair varies from one individual to another but is usually several shades and decorated with jewels, flowers, shells, or other such adornments.

A typical prydanu stands 8 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds.

EcologyCreatures of Elysium, prydanus arise from the souls of brave liberators and defenders of justice. Though they enjoy spending time on their native plane, they often to venture onto the Material Plane, where they scour the lands for oppression.

Prydanus are well adapted to the water and often make temporary dwellings near oceans and lakes.

When it comes to underwater prowess, their sleek musculature and powerful wings place them on par with naturally aquatic creatures. This aptitude is a point of pride for prydanus, who enjoy racing marine life to prove their expertise.

The anatomy of prydanus resembles that of humanoids, and while they cannot reproduce, they engage in intimate acts with one another or mortal lovers. Similarly, they don’t need to eat or drink, but they partake of these pleasures in the spirit of camaraderie.

Habitat and SocietyPrydanus enjoy the company of their kin, finding particular companionship in ghaeles and yamahs. Prydanus are athletic creatures, and their fondness for swimming and flying is well documented; presenting it a gift of artwork depicting seascapes or a collection of feathers and shells is a way to get on its good side.

They are also quite sentimental and keep small trinkets from places and people they’ve helped, often displaying these tokens in the form of small charms worn on bracelets or necklaces or woven into their colorful locks.

After using their powers to free creatures from domination and forced transformation, prydanus often continue to care for them even after their liberation to ensure they’re safe before continuing on their way. Though these sojourns are fleeting even by mortal standards, prydanus easily become emotionally attached to the creatures they save, and saying farewell is difficult for them. As such, most prydanus leave their companions’ sides in the middle of the night, when most are sleeping, to make the parting easier.

When not battling against tyranny, prydanus enjoy studying emancipated societies to view the daily life of mortals left to make their own choices. They chronicle these thoughts and observations in journals, which they then share with other celestials in Elysium.


This bronze-skinned humanoid is muscular yet lithe, garbed in colorful clothing emblazoned with glowing runes.

Formed from the souls of authors, artists, and storytellers, raelises travel to the farthest corners of the world and beyond searching for epic stories, poems, and simple tall tales. As they travel and quest for ever more obscure tales, they strive to make the world a brighter place—setting wrongs right or acting as agents for divine beings.

Though raelises appear to be frail, they possess a wiry strength and long-fingered hands ideally suited for the brawling and wrestling they enjoy so much. Deep brown or gray eyes dominate their expressive faces, and smiles and laughter come easy to their lips. Newly formed raelises have fair skin, but it slowly darkens over the centuries as they spend long hours exposed to the sun and elements. A raelis stands 9 feet tall and weighs close to 1,000 pounds.

EcologyThe lust for new tales and stories drives raelises to the mortal planes more often than most of their azata brethren.

Unable to just stand idly by, raelises aid mortals more frequently than do other azatas, though they almost always do so disguised as humans or sometimes even common or familiar animals. Raelises prefer to avoid physical confrontation when dealing with mortals, but don’t hesitate to influence events in other ways. A raelis might travel from town to town spreading tales and news to encourage rebellion in a poorly run kingdom, or insinuate itself into an invader’s army to sow dissension. Often a raelis’s influence isn’t felt until it is long gone, as raelises use their powers to bend minds in subtle ways to plant the seeds of change.

Essentially gender neuter in their natural form, raelises have an androgynous beauty to their lean, sculpted bodies. When altering their physical form via alter self or other magical abilities, they can choose to take on male or female forms. Younger raelises often have a preferred gender, but as they get older, raelises choose their gender based on mood or as the task in front of them demands. They occasionally tryst with mortals, though their lack of stable gender identity sometimes leads to confusion.

Ironically, bards and storytellers are the mortals least likely to receive the aid of a raelis azata. Raelises almost universally believe the best mortal works are born of strife and crisis. Shielding a known storyteller from the trials of life could very well prevent the greatest epics from being written. Exactly how far they are willing to let things go is a matter of preference and a frequent topic of debate among their kind. Raelises like to compare the trials and suffering of storytellers to the fire and anvil that forges a great sword. Raelises do not enjoy this suffering, however, and those who deliberately abuse or murder a storyteller while a raelis is near discover swift justice after the fact.

Traveling is raelises’ second love; they pride themselves on their knowledge of obscure back roads and trails. While they all have favored trails, raelises consider it a bad omen to make the exact same journey twice and they go long distances out of their way to avoid doing so. After eons exploring in this manner, the average raelis becomes a living atlas.

Though competent flyers, raelises prefer to walk or even run when they travel. Even on the coldest and hottest of days they travel with their feet bare. They love the feel of grass or even mud between their long toes, and pass time reciting stories they have collected, getting a feel for the flow of the verse and the rhythm of the words. Raelises can run for days at a time without stopping to rest or even sleep, crossing great distances or just scouting all available roads and trails in an area.

Habitat & SocietyTheir ability to travel discretely and their familiarity with the cities and geography make raelises excellent spies and agents for deities with similar interests. Though many raelises are poets and storytellers, they value the stories mortals create. Few raelises worry overmuch about the accuracy of any given story—they are more interested in the art of the telling rather than the veracity of the tale. Some raelises even prefer the most outlandish tall tales and outright fabrications, as long as the exaggeration furthers the story.


This fey-looking humanoid is colored in shades of gray. Its wings are decorated with colored motes resembling a starry night sky.

A thyrlien is a unique type of azata created by the Goddess of dreams, luck, stars and travelers. Intended as rare warrior counterparts to lyrakien, thyrlien are tasked with watching over nighttime travelers. Specifically hunting the servants of the Goddess of madness, monsters and nightmares and the God of infection, parasites and stagnation, thyrlien wander lonely roads and dark alleys, hoping to confront or counter the dark things that so often hunt such ominous spots. Superficially humanoid, a thyrlien’s attacks reveal its nonhuman origins. Venomous saliva coats mouth and its delicate-looking wings are actually as stiff as wood and have razor sharp edges. A thyrlien is skilled at tracking using conventional and magical methods and is savvy to the ways of its chosen prey.

These servants of the goddess of luck stand about 2 feet tall and weigh around 15 pounds.


This dark-skinned woman has diaphanous wings, four large eyes—one pair under the other—and a tangle of night-blue hair.

Born in Elysium and formed from planar energies charged by pleasant dreams, these beings watch over and study dreaming mortal minds. Uinujas live in collective mindscapes, which are often moonlit islands where rock spires rise to great heights, topped by large cocoons of night-blue silk. These azatas both hunt and are hunted by the painajai demons. Dreamthief hags and mortal dream travelers who disturb dreamers might also incur the ire of uinujas.

Uinujas enjoy stories about the stars and planes, particularly the Material Plane, which they can usually only see through mortals’ dreams. When uinujas are happy, their wings glow iridescently, while at other times their wings take on a calmer blue or a sullen gray hue.

An uinuja stands 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds.


This rosy-haired woman is completely nude except for the mass of vines and leaves that cover her lower body. The plant matter silently weaves about her frame seemingly of its own volition, and consists of flourishing vines bursting with blooming flowers as well as wilted leaves covered with a silvery sheen of hoarfrost.


Veranallias are among the most powerful azatas known and embody the changing of the seasons, from blossoming spring to dormant winter. They command the growth and decay of plants, control various aspects of the weather, and enrich soil with the remains of fallen foes. A veranallia stands 8 feet tall and weighs about 350 pounds.

Beautiful and majestic, the queenly veranallia possesses a form that combines aspects of a feylike woman and the subtle power of nature. A veranallia appears humanoid from the waist up, but where her thighs and legs should be, sprout countless vines, leaves, and various kinds of plant matter instead. These flora represent the life of plants throughout all stages of the year, continually shifting from blooming, verdant colors and textures to crisp, withered specimens and back in a matter of seconds.

Veranallias hail from the wildest regions of Elysium, primeval realms where few but the mightiest azatas dare tread. They are creatures of transition, preferring the unpredictable maelstroms of weather at Elysium’s edges to the more temperate or consistent regions of that plane. They also have a particular appreciation for areas where one element transitions into another, such as coastlines, geysers, hot springs, and underground lakes. Many among their kind can be found in various heavily wooded forests throughout Elysium; as many as a dozen veranallias are reputed to dwell among the ever-changing trees and plants of the forest, and it is thought their annual tribunals are actually the source of the eldritch woodland’s transformative climate and continually shifting composition.

At first glance, a veranallia’s lower body may appear to be made of living plants that wrap themselves around her, but these vines are in fact a part of the azata’s strange physiology. Despite this, she is not subject to blight or similar plant-affecting magic, and attempts to use such abilities to hinder her inspire a veranallia’s ire like little else. A veranallia’s vines are incredibly strong and can entwine and crush an enemy as easily as a python would crush a field mouse. These vines often change appearance based on the veranallia’s environment, but not always in any predictable or sensible manner.

Veranallias prefer the company of other azatas, and may have any number of faithful bralani or ghaele followers. Their fickle natures make it difficult for most other creatures, even other azatas, to interact with them.

Lillends are not inspired by the dangerous power of veranallias, and brijidines‘ belief in the cleansing power of fire does not make friendship with the verdant veranallias easy. While most other celestials concede that veranallias have only the best intentions, most would still rather deal with more predictable members of the celestial planes.

Archons in particular find it almost impossible to speak to veranallias, and the noble angels and agathions have trouble following a veranallia’s leaps in logic and rapidly shifting moods.

Due to their power and influence, it takes a force of great evil to slay veranallias. When a veranallia does die, however, her body explodes into a fine glittering dust that covers a radius of up to a mile. This area becomes exceedingly fertile and subject to indeterminate weather. Storms, snowfalls, heat waves, and gentle showers come by turns regardless of the region’s usual climate. Veranallias who have died on the evil Outer Planes have left such fertile areas behind, but the soil inevitably becomes corrupted again, giving rise to vile creatures such as sards and spawning vicious weather patterns.

Hardy plane-traveling adventurers speak of ancient veranallias living in the remotest corners of Elysium, and claim that these unique azatas possess even greater mastery over the elements than their more commonly encountered kin. Veranallias with the ability to shower entire mountains with lightning or cause heat waves so intense that they turn lakes to sand are spoken of in arcane texts. These most powerful of the veranallias are ancient entities indeed, beings known as veranallia elders. These veranallias appear as aged but still beautiful specimens, their upper human bodies looking like elderly women and their lower bodies always featuring what seems to be vegetation in late autumnal colors of red, yellow, and brown.



D&d Beyond

This blue-skinned woman has blue-and-white butterfly wings. Her black hair sparkles like a starlit sky.

Yamahs travel throughout the planes promoting the ideals of freedom and fairness, using their unique talents to rob evildoers of their magic and turn it into a weapon for good. Yamahs harbor ill will toward anyone who would use magic for cruel or evil purposes, especially necromancers and creatures that use magic to trap souls and pervert life.

Though yamahs often bear a stern countenance, they nonetheless enjoy lighthearted pranks and cheery jokes when appropriate. The white markings that cover their bodies may at first appear to be tattoos, but are actually natural sigils unique to each individual. The average yamah stands just over 6 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds.

Yamahs can often be encountered during lunar eclipses and other significant celestial events in regions where worship of any chaotic good deity or demigod is strong. Legends among such faiths claim that yamahs sometimes accompany good spellcasters on crusades against otherworldly fiends, though every story inevitably ends with the yamah mysteriously departing after the deed is done, abandoning its mortal partner without a word.


Summer Eladrin

This article or section is about Monstergirls (or a monster that is frequently depicted as a Monstergirl), something that /tg/ widely considers to be the purest form of awesome. Expect PROMOTIONS! and /d/elight in equal measure, often with drawfaggotry or writefaggotry to match.

Needless to say, given the fact that eladrin look like various types of elf and fairy, female eladrin - and especially Azatas - are very much sexually attractive. Add in that, as the Chaotic Good angel type, eladrin are the most likely to interact with mortals in that kind of way, and it should be no surprise that eladrin are surprisingly common progenitors for aasimar. Indeed, sun elves and firre eladrin apparently hold yearly celebrations that take on a distinctly carnal bent, leading to a whole new planetouched race, the celadrin.



Dnd Eladrin Elf

4e Eladrin

5e Dmg Eladrin

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